On the coat tails of SXSW, live streaming applications are making headlines. In addition, major brands are venturing into new territories, healthcare needs to play catch-up and brands partner with indie bands to promote consumer products. Go figure.
Live Video…So hot right now
In our SXSW wrap up published last week, we discussed the new apps and products that made headlines during the week of the festival and conference. In the past two weeks, Meerkat,the much buzzed about live streaming app moved to #160 on the app charts in the two weeks since launch, according to statistics from App Annie published in The Verge. This week, Twitter fired back with the launch of Periscope, which exploded onto the scene with highly publicized–and shared–content from the New York City apartment fire. Select brand and retailers are beta testing both apps. Live streaming launches retail into new territory providing real-time, relevant content delivered directly to consumers.
Data-Silos in Healthcare
Forbes published an op-ed this week, author David Shaywitz discusses opportunities in big data and healthcare, and bemoans the slow progress the industry has made in taking advantage of digital data to augment health records and patient files arguing ways that big data can–and has–rendered healthcare more accurate and effective. Healthcare is behind the times and could benefit from exploring new ways to use technology and social networks to streamline patient experience.
Marriott Hotels Launches Traveler Resource Publication
Marriott Hotels has ventured into the publishing business. In an announcement published this week, the hotelier shared that the publication, Marriott Traveler, was aimed at providing travelers more meaningful travel and destination-based content. The publication will focus on travel and lifestyle content, positioning Marriott as a resource for information and thought leadership. The move reflects a broader trend as brands focus more on offering consumers personalized experiences.
Acura Teams Up With Popular Music to Attract Millennial Customers
This week,Acura launched a campaign for its sporty ILX sedan featuring eight feature-focused songs by up-and-coming indie artists. In an article by AdAge, the Alicia Jones, manager of Acura social marketing explains that the campaign is an attempt to reach an increasingly discerning millennial consumer interested in luxury goods with brand-led content that resonates with the unique experiences of the target demographics. The move reflects brands’ increasing efforts to connect with millennials in new, creative ways.
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