Social Media Week New York was in full swing this Tuesday, February 24th. Thousands of heavily bundled marketers, strategists and creatives huddled beneath the awning of Manhattan’s Highline Stages, in the heart of The City’s trendy Meatpacking district. Attendees hailed from all over the world, and had come together to learn from industry experts and innovators.
Attention was top of mind on this second official day of the event. In a panel hosted by true[X], humorously titled “Beyond the Moonwalking Bear: New Ideas in Understanding Human Attention,” speakers from across the marketing landscape shared key insights on ways that marketers must evolve to effectively connect with an audience of digital natives.
The session began with a stunning statistic: Did you know that the average person sees upwards of 5,000 advertisements per day?
Over the course of the panel, speakers Sean Finnegan of true[X], Sarah Hofstetter of 360i, Suzanne Vranica of The Wall Street Journal and Faris Yakob of Genius Steals presented three key tips to achieving better results through more thoughtful campaigns.
Time Does Not Equal Attention
The average attention span is 8 seconds… Marketing: the fight against universal ADD #SMWNYC #SMWAttention
— Shelby (@sgmcb13) February 24, 2015
#SMWattention @faris on #bigdata info overload battling for attention. #SMWNYC complete with @NyanCat
— Noah Xifr (@Noah_Xifr) February 24, 2015
Quality, Not Quantity
“The nirvana of advertising is when it provides a personal value to someone.” –@SeanFinnegan #SMWATTENTION #SMWNYC
— Na Lam (@maybeezz) February 24, 2015
“Clutter. The word we use to describe everyone *else’s* ads/content” – @faris #SMWattention
— rosie (siman) yakob (@rosieyakob) February 24, 2015
Measurement is Essential
Advertising is an exchange of attention for content. Attention should be the currency in media planning @SeanFinnegan #SMWNYC #SMWattention
— Quinn Bryner (@QBryner) February 24, 2015
#MoonwalkingBear trick tells us we need to redefine the word ‘impression’ #SMWattention #SMWNYC
— Cassandra Young (@youngcassandra) February 24, 2015
In short, Tuesday was all about value. Key influencers in the space call for brands and marketers to start valuing customer attention by using the data available to deliver high quality, relevant messaging to customers across channels.
Looking forward to learning more. Interesting in understanding how data driven audience intelligence helps creatives to craft more effective content? Contact us or request a demo to learn more.

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