SXSW- It’s easy to get swept away by the hooplah of badges, RSVPs, secret shows and networking sessions. Easier still to lose track of what’s worth checking out and who’s blowing smoke. Using natural language processing and machine learning techniques unique to the People Pattern platform, we sorted through the deluge and compiled a targeted list of recommendations for eight representative personas most commonly engaging with SXSW online.
Because that’s just what we do.
The recommendations are based on classifications and exploratory data analysis capabilities provided by our platform. We put our platform to the test to further understand the demographics and psychographics of those engaged in the SX conversation. First, the platform identified social accounts connected to SXSW. Using this data, the platform automated the collection of audience data across social networks, and aggregated similar information to create over 170,000 multi-dimensional portraits. Using the power of natural language processing, the platform was able to use open social data to predict demographics and interests, resulting in the complex data-driven recommendations for the SXSWi audience that you see below.
The data is representative of folks who follow SXSW on social media, and does not necessarily reflect the demographics or interests of everyone who attends the conference. Regardless of all the who’s who, one thing’s for sure: while you’re in town you should take advantage of the time you have to meet new people and enjoy the plethora of outdoor activities that make Austin such a great city.
The Tech Mogul
You’re experienced: a specialist, the head of a global company or organization. You are in Austin to promote your latest venture, perhaps even speaking on a panel. You are a leader in innovation and an expert in your field. You are a voice for creative innovation and digital strategy, and have been an advisor for numerous companies. Folks clamor for endorsements and speaking roles. You are an influencer and contribute to leaders in media like FastCompany, AdAge and Tech Crunch.
All that aside, you are a passionate follower of your hometown sports team, enjoy wine and are dedicated to your family.
Watering Holes and Places of Interest
- Hotel San Jose
- Lamberts
- La Condesa
Session recommendations
- Density: How to Create Silicon Valley in Your City
- Beginnings: A Panel About Entrepreneurism with Michael Dell
- Measure This; Change the World
- Your Brand, Your Market & Why DC Cares
- Life Automation for Entrepreneurs
The Social Maven
Welcome to Austin! You’re fresh faced, bright eyed- ready to take on the city and blog all about it! Your company sent you to SXSW with a thick box of business cards and an all-access badge. You’ve heard great things about Austin and can’t wait to share your trip via Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. You’re going to do your damndest to make sure you’ve RSVP’d to all the best workshops and panels. And of course, you’ve set aside some time for a few happy hours and parties. That’s where the real connections are made, right?
Watering Holes and Places of Interest
- Swift’s Attic
- Enoteca Vespaio
- Guero’s Taco Bar
Session recommendations
- Tomorrow Is Another Day: Surviving A Social Media Crisis
- The Future of Location: From Social to Utility
- The LOLs of Nations: Understanding Global Memes
- Mosh Pit of Experts 2014 – The Future of Social
The Networker
Austin is the place to be in March, hands down. You are involved in sales or business development and are a communications wiz. You are a professional that can adapt and thrive in a startup or global corporation. Chances are, you’ve had experience in both. You believe that working with others is key to innovation and you relish new opportunities to learn. You have a diverse network of friends from around the world. Regardless of whether or not you have a badge, the networking potential during these next ten days is huge. You have scheduled back to back meetings with prospective clients and partners and aim to leave town at the end of the festival with new business on the books.
Watering Holes
- The Driskill Hotel
- Stephen F. Austin Bar
- Four Seasons Hotel Bar
Session recommendations
“Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges.”
The Gamer
Charger[s]: check. Keyboard: check. Headset: check.
You’ve upgraded to the latest generation of smartphone and have enough memory available to download your new-favorite games while you’re at the festival. You’ve had your eye on Austin for years and are jazzed to attend the workshops, demos and gaming parties scheduled for the Interactive portion of the convention. You have beer dates with a few players you know from online, and are looking forward to learning about the latest in gaming. You may be a self-proclaimed fan girl or boy. You’re not shy to admit that you’re an expert in the vast and growing world of cross-console video gaming.
Watering Holes
- Ranch 616
- Recess Bar
Session recommendations
- Big Brother Is Watching: Tracking Today’s Gamer
- Burning Platforms: The Future of Gaming Ecosystems
- Turning Your Gaming Passion into Profits
- Press Start to Begin: UX & Video Games
The Hacker
You are inquisitive, sarcastic, ironic, but not in the hipster sense of the word. If you want to talk labels, you may prefer “Nerd” or “Craft King”. Between strong political opinions and a partially vegan diet, you spend most of your time looking for ways to disrupt organizations, one intrapreneur at a time. You may have coined commonly used UX/UI terms. While technical use cases are part of your bread and butter, you’re in Austin to learn the latest data techniques, swap best practices in coding, and the check out the newest software at SXSWi.
Watering Holes
- Easy Tiger
- The Ginger Man
Session recommendations
- Putting a Real-Time Face on Polling
- Nano Size Me: The Science of Small Talk
- How Mobile Is Changing the Research Universe
- Go Home Marketing, You Are Drunk
The Data Geek
You’re keen on data. A computer & information technology professional by day, gamer and foodie by night. From public API access to social media analytics and consulting, you are hungry to learn more about how to get data… and what to do once you have it. You may be a CTO of the latest SaaS start-up, or a critical player on an innovative development team. You’re at SXSW to learn, network and return home with new ideas, disruptions and a broader network of folks involved at the cutting edge of technology.
Watering Holes
- Bar Ilegal
- Craft Pride
Session recommendations
- How to Capitalize on OPEN DATA
- Fan Data: The Journey from Analysis to Action
- Make Love with Your Data
- The Power of Wordplay: Science Meets Language
- Monkeys with Lazers: How MailChimp Does AI
The Reporter
Twitter was launched at SX and 2007 and Foursquare in 2009. You’re in Austin for SXSW and you’ve made it your mission to discover the breakout company of 2014. A seasoned SX veteran, you know how to pace yourself and get things done. You plan to attend as many networking sessions and events as possible- you never know who you’ll sit next to and what you’ll learn. As far as parties and dinners go, been there done that. What’s new in town?
Watering Holes
- Qui
- LaV
- Elizabeth Street Cafe
Session recommendations
- Why Didn’t a Tech Journalist Break PRISM?
- Accurate, Fair & Safe: The Ethics of Social News
- Investigative Reporting in the Digital Age
- If Content Is King, Who Is Sheriff?
- Hacking Princess Culture: Girls, Games, & Science
- The Algorithm Method: Love in the Social Media Age
The Creative
You’re intrigued by the eccentric and are passionate about innovation and design. You’re a curator for music, entertainment, media and style; a brand ambassador looking for inspiration and collaboration. You’re independent, fun loving and wear many different hats. Your following on Instagram is larger than the year you were born, and you’ve contributed to a number of zines, journals and blogs. You’re excited to support your friends during the festival- friends, and friends of friends, are performing during the music and film portions.
Watering Holes and places to dance the night away
- White Horse
- Continental Club
- Justine’s
Session Recommendations
- Ads, Passion & Party Crashing with Bob Thacker
- How Twitter Humorists Landed Sweet Real World Gigs
- #EsuranceSave30: Why 5 Million Tweeted in 36 Hours
- Fifty Shades of Creativity
- How the Black Twitterverse is Changing Pop Culture
SXSW presents a whirlwind of information and can be a complete communication overload. Take advantage of it. Regardless of whether you’re a tech mogul or reporter, or fall somewhere in between, Austin has something for everyone. Get out, explore, and try something new- you may be surprised by what you find.
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