Who’s ready for Mother’s Day? As someone who’s married to a mom and has a mom, I feel like there isn’t enough we can do for them to honor them on this holiday. I thought I’d use People Pattern to get a better handle on what the majority of moms out there may want. I have my presumptions, but will this amazing platform validate my understanding of mothers currently out there on the planet and maybe show me something I don’t know?
I isolated all the people in our PDB (Portrait Database) by checking everyone who is female and a parent. I found the top interest among them is humor, which makes sense considering all they endure.

Next, I isolated just the moms whose top interest is humor. What are their top keywords and hashtags? Their top keywords were pretty typical, but check out their top hashtags!

All the hashtags are horoscopes and Saturday Night Live. And the sentiment of the posts shared are kind of even, but slightly more negative. That is interesting. So we already know that being a parent can be a hard and stressful job. Hence the whole point of Mother’s Day. These mom’s are venting and sharing with others that share their sun sign. A great way to vent is with people who you feel who ‘get’ you and identify with you. That’s what I’m picking up from the horoscope interest. And the focus on humor and SNL makes plenty of sense. Comedy is a great go-to when you’re feeling down or trying to de-stress. Incidentally, my wife keeps up on SNL every week on Hulu. Both of these things help you when you’ve got the blues.

So this year whatever you are planning to do for your mothers this holiday, if it involves something soothing that helps them shed the stress right and proper you should be on the right track. The horoscope intel indicates besides laughing, commiserating with friends is one of their preferred ways to heal from their woes. With that in mind, probably the best gift would arranging for them a girl’s night out with their friends. Good luck, and Happy Mother’s Day!
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