With the end of the football season upon us, people are gearing up for the biggest game of the year. At People Pattern, while most employees are excited to watch the game itself, a few of us are just onboard for the snacks. Curious about what the Super Bowl audience is interested in, and how this could improve content marketing efforts, we analyzed some social data around the followers of the Seahawks and Patriots.
At a high level, no surprise that both audiences are highly interested in Major Sports, Drinking and TV.

Drilling into each audience points us to the attributes that allow brands to customize campaigns to each audience, personalizing beyond their interest in sports to topics that interest them.
During this cultural event that drives gargantuan engagement from fans and non fans alike, brands must arm themselves with personalized, relevant content to get noticed.
Popular topics in the form of hashtags offer a great opportunity for brands to join a larger conversation. By surfacing the top hashtags used by the Seahawks and New England Patriots fans, brands and fans can join the trending topics together.
For fans looking to join the Patriot conversation, these are the popular hashtags:

Brands looking to be part of the Seahawks conversation during the game should use these hashtags:

Beyond the sports conversation, brands can connect with fans across a favorite game time activity for those watching the game or just around for the party–drinking. Turns out both audiences will be enjoying a beer while cheering on their team, but will be drinking different brews.
Seahawks fans talk very generally about beer–they love craft beer, draft beer and happy hour. To accompany their beer, they prefer the cheesy goodness of pizza.
Patriots fans, on the other hand, talk very specifically about their beer choices. Their favorites include lagers, porters, pale ales and stouts with a side of BBQ.
If you decide to dabble in the drinking conversation, keep in mind that the highest age group within the Patriots’ audience is 18-24, while the Seahawks have a higher percentage of fans between 25-34.
For your SuperBowl 2015 Marketing strategy, keep these three steps in mind:
1. Identify the audience you want to target (request a demo below to find out how)
2. Understand what they’re interested in – and how they are discussing those interests
3. Kick back and join your team for a beer

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