Data driven customer acquisition
White paper cover Audience Intelligence - DataDrivenCustomerAcquistion

Sophisticated tools help take the guesswork out of lead generation and enable marketers to engage high quality customers at scale.

New technologies empower marketers with the insights to rethink traditional strategies and engage with clients and prospects on a completely new level. Digital media and social networking have changed the way we think of lead generation and, provided the right insights and strategy, nullified the possibility of ever approaching a lead cold again.

In this white paper, you will learn how to kickstart, develop and maintain a data driven lead generation strategy in five steps:

  1. Interest-based persona development
  2. Identifying distinction within your audience
  3. Crafting an audience ethnography, bespoke to your brand
  4. Expanding your audience by identifying lookalikes based on digital behaviors
  5. How to activate unique segments across channels

Using new technologies in digital marketing and updated avenues to spread information through word of mouth marketing, brands can connect with customers outside of their existing networks with unprecedented context and relevancy.

Download the white paper